Friday, December 18, 2009

Official wedding website

Welcome to the Official website of the Marriage between

This is the site dedicated to information with regards to our wedding on the 27th Dec 2009

With just one click

-Sariri & Haris-

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Yes, you're all invited!!


Well, the invitations are finally out and we’re looking forward to hearing from everyone! We are quite busy right now getting together all of the details ,but everything is coming together nicely and we are so excited for the big day.
Hope to see you soon!

-Sariri & Haris-

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Tanggal 8 Desember 2009, Saya (CMW), yg tanpa ditemani CMP, datang memenuhi panggilan KUA Kecamatan MAkasar, Halim PK, JakTim, untuk mengikuti Kursus Calon Penganten (Suscaten). Diantar oleh papa,sampai juga saya disana. Acara dimulai 08.30-12.00 WIB.

Bagi sebagian orang penyuluhan ini mungkin dirasakan tiak penting, namun kali ini saya mengabaikan pendapat kebanyakan orang. Banyak manfaat yg bisa saya ambil dari wejangan pernikahan dalam nilai2 islam, kesehatan dari dokter seputar pernikahan dan kehamilan, serta pengenalan alat2 KB, dari PLKB BKKBN yg masih dianggap tabu di negara kita.

Mungkin kalau semua pasangan sudah dibekali pengetahuan ini, insyaallah tujuan dari Pernikahan untuk membentuk suatu rumah tangga yang kekal & bahagia terwujud.

Hari ini juga saya dapat siraman rohani dari bapak penghulu, smg semua pengetahuan hari ini berbuah suatu kebaikan kelak. Amien!

ada sertifikatnya juga!xixixxii....

"Allah mengetahui kamu akan menyebut-nyebut mereka, dalam pada itu janganlah kamu mengadakan janji kawin dengan mereka secara rahasia, kecuali sekadar mengucapkan (kepada mereka) perkataan yang makruf. Janganlah kamu bertetap hatiuntuk berakad nikah, sebelum habis idahnya. Allah mengetahui apa yang ada dalam hatimu; maka takutlah kepada-Nya, dan Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyantun"." (Albaqarah ayat 235)

-Sariri & Haris-

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wedding Day Count Down…

So, even though We’re sure not many people, if any, read this blog, We thought why not write a little something about our wedding preparation.

Well time is just flying by….and suddenly we only have 4 weeks left until we are married!!YAaaaY!

There will be more stresses to come I’m sure!!!! but God has sure blessed us with a easy wedding planning and I’m praying that He will continue blessing us….Amieeeen!

Now..lets update!!!!

1. Penghulu & KUA: Done!!!

2. Mahar: Seperangkat perhiasan emas (Kaliem, Melawai)
3. Wedding ring : Kaliem-Melawai
4. Seserahan: Done!

6. Catering (akad & resepsi): Kiki Catering
7. Dekorasi: Done!
8. Rias (akad & resepsi): Sanggar Harlina
9. Make up keluarga,dll: Sanggar Harlina
10. Foto dan Video liputan: Wisdom Photography & Luna Photography
11. Wedding singer : Mba Merry& Mas Fauzi (Family's wed singer hahhaa!)
12. MC Resepsi: Done!saya lupa nama bapaknya euy!
13. Undangan : Aneka Grafika (Done!)
14. Souvenir : Ps.
Jatinegara, ITC Mangga Dua.
15. Kebaya Akad & Resepsi:Mom's collection (I luv it!).

16. Hotel Tamu: BKKBN Guest House

17. Pengajian: Done!

18. e-invitation: belumm sempet!

19. Honeymoon: Bengkuluuu..hiyuuukkk!!xixixixii....

Alhamdulillah…95% completed ..5% printilan2..smg bs segera diselesaikan…

wooah...Tinggal menunggu waktu yg tepat untuk menyebarkan berita gembira ini…doakan kami!!!

Thanks for everyone!! Keep read, comment, and enjoy the updates on our adventure to marriage!


Ririe & Haris

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rapat Panitia I


Hari ini di rumah kami, di Pondok Gede, dilaksanakan rapat pembentukan panitia untuk acara pernikahan kami.
Panitia yang dilibatkan disini pastinya dari pihak keluarga dan juga tetangga.
Karena kita tidak menggunakan EO jadi semua kami urus sendiri. Cape banget pastinya, karena mulai dari kemarin malam sudah sibuk untuk masak dan nyiapin segala sesuatu nya.

Apalagi malam sebelumnya terjadi tragedi yang sangat menghebohkan, tidak hanya keluarga kami, tapi juga warga sekitar rumah, karena didapur terjadi kebakaran kecil yang sempat membuat tembok dapur menjadi hitam legam...akibat kelalaian dari kompor yg ditinggal. Alhamdulillah bisa teratasi, dan kejadian ini membuat kami sangat bersyukur kepada Allah karena kami masih berada dalam lindunganNya dari musibah ini.

Acara hari ini berjalan dengan lancar. Dimulai dari jam 10.00 wib-jam 16.00 wib, disini kita baru memilih siapa-siapa saja yang akan masuk di dalam susunan panitia, dan juga membicarakan tentang segala sesuatu yang nantinya akan jadi ornamen-ornamen penting di dalam acara pernikahan kita. mulai dari adat apa yang akan di gunakan [memilih menggunakan cara ISLAM], lalu tentang dimana posisi ijab kabul nya, penghulu dan lain sebagainya yang pastinya jadi bener-bener penting banget buat kami.

Selain itu, hari ini juga pembagian seragam panitia untuk beberapa saudara dan juga tetangga yang terlibat untuk acara di gedung [sebagai among tamu].

yang pasti acara hari ini, Alhamdulillah berjalan dengan lancar
. Semoga kami sekeluarga diberi kemudahan untuk melaksanakan segala sesuatunya sesuai dengan rencana kami.

Terimakasih tak terhingga untuk keluarga dan tetangga yg telah terlibat dalam prosesi ini. Semoga semua kebaikan dan keiklasannya diberi balasan dari Allah SWT.

-tim sukses-

-Sariri & Haris-

Saturday, October 10, 2009

True Love

-Sariri & Haris-

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Old book "Love Story"

When I Found the Diary, I Cried.
Wow, How the Time Files

Buku tua yg sudah sangat terlupakan ini, aku temukan lagi....
Senang sekali bisa kembali ke masa lalu..

Halaman pertama dari diary yg berjudul
"The Best Chapter in Our life" ini ditulis 24 agustus 2004, 1 bulan setelah jadian niy...xixiixii!!

ditulis oleh mahasiswi FH UNPAD, semester 4 nih..hihihii...ABG bangetss!!!

Sebuah Luapan hati seorang wanita ketika diberi sebuket bunga dari pacarnya....hohohoo..

Dari halaman kehalaman.....

it brings back such great memories of our love....

hahhaaa.....bunga ini sudah lebih dari 5 tahun....

aku terharuuu, masih bs menyimpan sebagian kenangan dibuku tua ini...

eum...Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made!!!!

A relationship is like a rose, How long it lasts, no one knows. Love can erase an awful past, love can be yours, you'll see at last. To feel that love, it makes you sigh, To have it leave, you'd rather die. You hope you've found that special rose, 'cause you love and care for the one you chose"

God, Thank you for all the sweet memories.....

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Love Quotes

-Here are some of our favorite love quotes-

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return"
~Moulin Rouge

"If you love someone you say it, You say it right then, out loud, Or the moment just passes you by"
~My Best Friend's Wedding

"The best kind of love is the kind that awakens the soul, makes us reach for more, plants a fire in our hearts, and brings peace to our minds."
~ The Notebook

"If I tell you I love you, can I keep you forever?"
~ Casper

"I remember kisses, let me see. Aye, that is a kiss. A powerful thing."
~ Peter Pan

"All you need is love, love is all you need"
~ The Beatles

“Love is not a matter of counting the years, But making the years count.”
~ Michelle St. Amand

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person"

..and, whats your favorite love quotes? We would love to hear it!!????

-Sariri & Haris-

Saturday, October 3, 2009

my handmade wedding kebayas!!

I know I mentioned a few times that my wedding kebayas was handmade, by my amazingly talented mother!!!
My kebayas dress is without a doubt my favorite handmade thing in the entire world.
and so lucky to have such a talented Mom! My wedding Kebayas is absolutely gorgeous!! What a nice present from my Mother.
I can’t say it enough, my mom is the bestest!!!i luv u mama!!

Thanks to Mas Ananta Kanapi for bordirannya!!!cool!!!Love it!!!! wait until that day comes!!!!

-Sariri & Haris-

BIG DAY CheckList!!!

There is a long list of things to do before the big day. So the first thing We need to do is make a list of all the things that need to be done and another list for all the things that need to be purchased......

Ririe& Haris Check List:

Akad Nikah: 27 December 2009, Masjid BKKBN, Halim Perdana Kusuma, Jakarta
Resepsi: 27 December 2009 , Aula BKKBN, Halim Perdana Kusuma, Jakarta
Adat: Jawa
Catering (akad & resepsi): Kiki Catering
Dekorasi: (masih bingung)
Rias (akad & resepsi): Ibu Anna
Make up keluarga,dll: Ibu Anna
Foto dan Video liputan: Masih nyariii...

Foto prewedding : Masih nyariii...
Wedding singer : Mba Merry& Mas Fauzi (Family's wed singer hahhaa!)
MC Resepsi: ????
Undangan : beluuuuum!
Souvenir : Ps. Mester, Jatinegara
Buku pengajian: beluuum!
Wedding ring : di Melawai katanya bagus2
Kebaya Akad & Resepsi: Mom's collection!
Chocolate Fountain: ????
Wedding Organizer: mama & papa
Honeymoon: masih ga jelas!! ga bs planning mas haris belum bisa cuti!!!huhuhuhu
Mahar: Logam Mulia

1. Beli kain kebaya akad n resepsi

2. Booking gedung
3. Fitting pertama kebaya
4. Hunting seserahan
5. Survey Souvenir

6. Beli Kain Kebaya kakak2

7. Beli Kain Seragam

1. Buy Souvenir
2. Finalize things with ibu Anna (make up, dress, etc)
3. Finalize menu with Kiki Catering
4. The mom(s) Kebaya


1. Hunting seserahan
2. Beli Souvenir
3. Check wedding invitation (dummy)
4. Beli Mahar
5. Buy wedding ring --> anunggu calon mempelai pria yg tak pulang!!hihihii
6. Seragam panitia --> done!
7. Lengkapin seserahan --> Almost there baby...90%completed!
8. Fitting terakhir kebaya + selop
9. the Father(s) fitting beskap
10. The brother(s) and sista(s) fitting kebaya
11. Urusan KUA
12. Prepare wedding songs list (hihii...penting abis gak siy?)

1. Hunting pre-wedding pics
2. Hunting frame pictures
3. Cari Fotographer!!!
4. Kebaya done!
6. Souvenir done!
7. Seragam keluarga done!
8. Seserahan done!

1. Urusan KUA????

2. Perawatan pre-wedding dimulai!!
3. Complete review of all preparation thingy, biar ga ada yang ketinggalan
4. Prepare e-invitation
5. Rapat panitia terakhir
6. Finalize konsep acara

1. Sebar undangan!!

2. Perawatan pre-wedding
2. Pengajian
3. THE BIG DAY! Insya Allah..amien..

-Sariri & Haris-

How We Met...

Ririe's side of the story:

It all began in 2004 when I was in my 4th year of university, was my last semester.

I was immediately drawn to his smile and his smart personality and thought he was perfect! I found that I enjoyed being around him, and seemed to like me, too. He is a sweet guy who help me from a broken heart!!

Now, after several years of dating, I am so excited to be getting married to him and starting our lives together as husband and wife. I can't waaaaaait!

Haris's side of the story:

I first met, or rather saw, Ade Ririe about five years ago in college. We were both kind of shy at the time. I finally decided that I had to get to know her before I missed my chance, so I asked a mutual friend for her phone number and gave her a call. We went on a date a few days after I called her and have been inseparable ever since.She is the greatest person in the whole world, and she's mine!

We plan on getting married in three months ahead, wish we luck. December is coming up quick!

-Sariri & Haris-

Ririe&Haris Profile

Sariri Esti, Info:

Nick Name: Ririe
Hometown: Jakarta
College: Universitas Padjdjaran, Bandung; Economic Law, 2001-2005
Work Info:
1. JOB Pertamina-Petrochina Salawati as Procurement & Legal Staff (March 2007-Present)
2. Angeline Suparto Konsultan Indonesia, as Junior Associate (August 2006-February 2007)
3. Adhyaksa & Co. , Lawyers (2006)

Abidin Abdul Haris, Info:

Nick Name: Haris/Abi
Hometown: Slawi, Bengkulu
College: Universitas Padjdjaran, Bandung; Management Economic (Finance), 2001-2005
Work Info:
1. Bank Indonesia, Bengkulu as Moneter Analyst (May 2008-Present)
2. Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), as CPF IM2 (April 2007-April 2008)
3. Adira Insurance as MT (February 2006-March 2007)

-Sariri & Haris-

Welcome to Our Lovesite

Hello everyone!

Thanks for visiting our lovesite. We have included a ton of information about our love, and hopefully until our wedding's day here, and hope you have fun surfing through.

We have already had so many adventures! With each other's support we have overcome any challenges we have faced in our lives and careers. Here is a short recap of our 5+ years together:

Be sure to sign our Guest Book and please use our Contact Us page to get in touch with us if you have any questions.

Please come back often, as we will be adding new details regularly!

Enjoy surfing!
